Please explain why, according to research published in the Washington Post, “Modern economies depend on a thriving financial sector, and the U.S. finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sector now accounts for 20 percent of GDP — compared with only 10 percent in 1947.” Also, please explain how hedge fund managers defy Piketty’s 5% historical return on investment finding. And while you’re at it, why we currently have so much income inequality. I currently make the same income I made in 1985 not adjusted for inflation. If most of Wall Street’s activity is not egregiously criminal, or technically criminal, maybe it should be? Supposedly, nobody did anything criminal to bring about the 2008 crash and Great Recession. The big 5 tech monsters are not technically monopolies, right? Uber and Lift’s business models, off loading huge risk onto non-employees who can least afford it, is techically legal everywhere but California, for the moment. But, you believe everything a-okay on Wall Street, nothing to see here.